

Is A Greens Guide Difficult To Read?

Anthony Lee - Jan 01 2020

Is A Greens Guide Difficult To Read?

MA golf greens guide is a tool that can help you understand the slope of the green and even the entire layout of the hole. The goal of a great greens guide is to give players the best possible chance at the easiest and most makeable putt on a golf hole. However, these books or greens guides are almost always assumed to be for the lower handicap players. This is not necessarily the case; as long as you know how to read the book, you will easily be able to get the information you need. Here are some of the top tips to make reading a greens guide considerably easier.

Tips To Make Reading a Greens Guide Easier

Green reading does not have to be complicated; there are a few basic steps you can follow to make the process easy for any level of golfer. In fact, we encourage beginners to learn how to use a greens guide. 

Get A Book In Color . If possible, invest in a greens guide that is full color. The full-color design will help ensure you get a clearer picture of the entire hole. Sometimes it's easier for golfers to visualize when the book is in color. 

Learn How To Position The Greens Guide.
The greens guide is much easier to use when properly positioned. Position the greens guide so you can clearly see where you are standing and how that impacts your slope. Holding the greens book on a diagonal or upside down makes it difficult to know where you stand. 

Know The Scale.
The greens guide that you purchase, like the Green Books from GolfLogix, will have a scale located inside the front cover. The scale helps you with the size of the green as well as the severity of the slope. When you have this scale down, it becomes considerably easier to judge how this slope will impact your golf shots. 

Take It Out To A Green and Practice.
Before you try and figure out every slope on the entire course, take your greens guide out to a hole and learn to use it. Position the greens guide in the proper way and get it so that it's in a position that you trust.Practice some different putts from this location by looking at the greens guide and then making the putt. You will start to feel how the greens guide works and how the arrows can help you with slope. Once you are comfortable, start moving to other greens on the course.  

Final Thoughts

As you can see, it's much easier to read a greens guide when the greens guide is high quality. The Greens Books from GolfLogix are full-color greens books that even offer a heat map to help you understand the areas where you will want to hit the ball. This type of book will not only help you stay out of trouble, it will ensure you can use the golf green to your advantage. 

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