Mapping Your Victory: Conquer Greens with Green Books
When playing in a golf tournament or event, giving yourself the upper hand is smart. This can include preparing before the event, stretching, warming up, keeping the right mindset, and more. However, on the day of the event you’ll also want Green Books to be with you on the course. Getting the golf ball on the green is just the first step; Green Books can help ensure you get the ball in the hole quicker. If you want to improve your performance in a local event and get that first win, here are some ways to let Green Books help you.
What Are Green Books? (Can Anyone Use Them In An Event?)
MGreen Books are detailed yardage books that map out contours and slopes of a golf green. However, in addition to that Green Books also provide yardages, slopes and contours for the entire hole.
If you want to find a spot to hit your drive that may give you a few extra yards of roll, you’ll find it. If you think you can lay up just short of a green and have the ball run on, Green Books will show you the slope in front of the green, which could push your golf ball back off.
Understanding contour and the lay of the land is important not just on the green but on the entire golf course. Using these detailed (and color-coded) topographic maps will make all the difference, and they can be used when preparing and playing in events as long as the local rules allow.
The Importance of Accurate Green Reading in Local Tournaments
Proper green reading can reduce three putts. Most importantly, it improves confidence on the greens and lower scores. How many times have you stood over a putt and doubted the break you read or wondered if it had a shot at going in the hole.
You’re not alone. Most amateur golfers don’t pick a line and trust it. However, having the Green Book in your pocket can help you confirm your chosen line and hit your putt accordingly. When playing in a competition the subtle breaks, the ones you can’t see all that well can be the difference between one or two shots, enough to win the event.
Routine and Preparation with Green Books
Preparing for a tournament doesn’t start the morning of the round. It’s best to use Green Books before your round to analyze the course and look for trouble spots. You’ll want to pay close attention to difficult areas of the green that may be worth avoiding.
Keep in mind that you can then use this information on your approach shots. Sometimes, the middle of the green is a better landing spot than a pin, so give yourself a makeable birdie putt. The Green Books have color contour maps to help you see areas of the green with the least slope and the easiest putts.
During the round, incorporate Green Books into your pre-shot routine. Look at your shot, make your decisions, confirm with Green Books, and then execute. The extra confidence you’ll get from knowing you have accurate data is invaluable in a tournament situation.
Key Features to Focus on When Using Green Books
Green Books has information on yardages, slopes, contours, and more. Here are some of the things you should focus on when playing in a golf tournament.
- Slope marking and contour lines: Focus on how the different levels of slope are going to affect both the speed and break of your putts, during your practice rounds take a few extra putts from the trickiest areas on the green.
- Arrow indicators and break diagrams: Visualizing the arrow indicators can help you choose a break and boost your confidence on the green. Visualize your putts flowing in this direction. Use the arrow indicators to hit chips, pitches, and approach shots close to the hole.
Final Thoughts - Gain the Upper Edge in Your Next Tournament
If you decide to enter a local tournament, make the most of it by using Green Books to gain the upper edge. All of the scoring happens when you are on or close to the greens, so use Green Books to get the ball in the hole faster. Combining Green Books with solid course knowledge during your practice and preparation period will make it that much easier to succeed on the day of the event. Get a Green Books for each of your next local tournaments and see its difference in your scoring.